Бінт гофрування Гемостатик

Бінт гофрування Гемостатик


4.5/5  ( 291 оцінок )


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Гарантія. 14 днів Обмін/повернення товару впродовж 14 днів 


Dimensions - 360 cm L x 7.5 cm W Sterile gauze bandage with kaolin Shelf life - 5 years from the date of manufacture Suitable for providing first aid Prevents the onset of shock due to massive blood loss Stops external bleeding of moderate and high intensity The hemostatic agent has proven itself in current military realities Certified in Ukraine and meets the requirements of the Technical Regulation on Medical Devices Gauze Hemostatic Bandage is a special hemostatic agent for stopping bleeding with kaolin. Inside the airtight packaging, it is folded in a Z-shape. This bandage is recommended for providing first aid. Hemostatic quickly stops external bleeding of moderate and high intensity, as well as tamponades the wound. Blood clot formation occurs within 30-40 seconds, complete cessation of bleeding within 2-3 minutes. The advantage of the gauze bandage over the classic "roll" is that there is no need to spend precious seconds unwinding the bandage, and you can immediately tamponade the wound with a hemostatic agent. The components of the preparation do not shed from the bandage and do not remain on the hands, preventing them from getting on the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract.


  • Різнобарвний
  • 14 днів
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